Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Our adoption as children of God

"Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." Romans 8:23

The adoption process is tough, whether you are waiting to be adopted, the adoptive parents, or a child of God still coming to Him. Even though as believers we are children of God, but still ache to be finally adopted as a child of God in Heaven. We wait for our Father to come pick us up, just as Michael and thousands upon thousands of the fatherless children of the world wait for their Forever Families. Thankfully, each of the "least of these" (Matthew 25:40) is loved and comforted by the Father.

Let's look at the verse from another angle, that of the adoptive parent. In our tiny microcosm dealing with only one child's adoption, we fill out countless and confusing forms, coordinate all the moving parts to prevent delays, and wait helplessly while bureaucrats decide if we are suitable parents for an abandoned child, all the while aching to hold our child and give him a life outside the cold, faceless institution. Our Father is the conductor of an infinite symphony of lives; what I see as the hand of God working in my life, non-believers may see as great luck or serendipity. He has always granted my requests, though not necessarily on my schedule or the method I would prefer, because He loves me more than I can fathom. He makes the sun shine for each of us, yet so many of our neighbors, friends and family have not given their lives to Him and the Son. And yet, He doesn't ever give up on us. He groans for our adoption, waiting for us and showing those who wish to see how much He loves us.

I read Romans 8:23 the other day while studying the Word on patience (of which I have none, but I am working on it!) and started thinking about the words describing our pain as we wait for our adoption as children of God. How painful this must be for the Father as he yearns for us. I know the emotional toll of waiting for our Michael, but cannot begin to understand what God must feel as he waits for millions worldwide to know Him.

God calls each of us to be his hands and feet (Mark 16: 15-16). He has given us unique gifts and resources to do his work and wants us to use them in the adoption of his children. As Christians, we all know the charge. The question is...how? What gift have you been given, and how can you use it for God's glory and purpose? Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God and receive His blessings.

If you are not a Christian, God yearns for you. I can tell you that a part of my heart is waiting to be filled, waiting for the moment my son enters my arms. I only feel a tiny bit of the ache that I believe God feels as he waits for you. I may not have all the answers you need to give your life to God, but I hope to be able to help.